


JSON Objects used in both the API and Real-Time.

Object Description
ACTIONS10 Actions App..
ACTIONS10.Start.Options Actions Start Options
Address Postal Address
Analytics.Calls.App Analytics Calls by App
Analytics.Calls.Country Analytics Calls by Country
Analytics.Calls.Destination Analytics Calls by Destination
Analytics.Calls.DID Analytics Calls by DID
Analytics.Calls.History Analytics History
Analytics.Calls.History.Call Analytics Calls History (date)
Analytics.Calls.Summary Analytics (summary)
Analytics.Calls.Summary.IN Analytics Summary Calls IN
Analytics.Calls.Summary.OUT Analytics Summary Calls OUT
Analytics.SMS.History SMS Analytics History
Analytics.SMS.History.OUT SMS Analytics Calls History (date)
Analytics.SMS.Summary SMS Analytics (summary)
Analytics.SMS.Summary.OUT SMS Analytics Summary SMS OUT
App Voice App
App.Package Voice App Package
App.Param.Vms Voicemail
App.Param.VmsDetect Outbound Voicemail Detection
App.SearchFilters Search filters
Authentication.ApiKey Api-Key
Authentication.Session Session Token
Calls.Broadcast1.Options Calls Broadcast (1) Options
CALLTRACKING10 Call Tracking with call forwarding, prompts, and voicemail
CDR.In Inbound Call Detail Record (CDR)
CDR.Out Outbound Call Detail Record (CDR)
CDR.SearchFilters Search filters
CLICKTOCALL.Call Click-to-Call Call
CLICKTOCALL.Call.Status Click-to-Call Call Status
CLICKTOCALL.Start.Options Click-to-Call Start Options
CLICKTOCALL10 Click-to-Call with dynamic A/B parties
Country Country object
Customer.CLI Authorized Customer CLI
DID DID (Phone Number)
DID.AreaCode Area code
DID.Country DID Country
DID.SearchFilters DID Search filters
DID.Store.Availability DID Availability
DID.Store.BuyStatus DID Buy Status
DID.Store.Contract DID Reservation Contract
DID.Store.Cost DID Reservation Cost
DID.Store.Error DID Store Error
DID.Store.Item DID Item (phone number) in Store
DID.Store.QuotaStatus DID Store Quota Status
DID.Store.Quote DID Quote
DID.Store.Reservation DID Reservation Status
DID.Type DID type
HLR.Response HRL response
Job Job object
Media.EmailTemplate Email template object
Media.Library Media.Library object
Media.Library.Overview Library overview
Media.Library.Overview.Count Library overview (count)
Media.Library.Overview.Ready Library overview (ready)
Media.PhoneID Phone ID (DTMF sequence + phone number)
Media.Quota Media quota
Media.Quota.Count Media quota (count)
Media.Quota.Duration Media quota (duration)
Media.Quota.Quota Media quota (quota)
Media.Quota.Status Media quota (status)
Media.Recording Media Recording
Media.Recording.ActionResult Recording Action Result
Media.Recording.ActionResult.Error Recording Action Result (error)
Media.Recording.ListResult Recording List Result
Media.Recording.Options The Media.Recording.Options object defines the following properties.
Media.Recording.Overview Recording overview
Media.Recording.Overview.Status Recording overview (status)
Media.Recording.Overview.Status.Count Recording overview (count)
Media.Recording.Overview.Status.Ready Recording overview (ready)
Media.Recording.ReadStatus Recording read status
Media.Recording.ReadStatus.Status Recording read status (status)
Media.Recording.SearchFilters Search filters
Media.SearchFilters Search filters
Media.TTS.Options Media Text-to-Speech Options
NumberInfos NumberInfos object
Push.Hook.URL Push Hook (push URL configuration) - deprecated object
REALTIME10 Realtime App. Allows you to control the call in Real-Time.
REALTIME10.Call.Options Realtime Call Options
RT.Request Real-Time Request (Our POST to your server)
RT.Response Real-Time Response (Your response to our requests). You have to send it within 5 seconds. The earliest, the better.
Search.Options Search options
Search.Results Search results
SIP.Subscriber SIP Subscriber
SIP.Subscriber.Options SIP Subscriber Options
SIP.Subscriber.Properties SIP Subscriber Properties
SIP.Subscriber.SearchFilters SIP Subscriber Search filters
SIP.TrunkOrigination SIP Trunk Origination
SIP.TrunkOrigination.Options SIP Trunk Origination Options
SIP.TrunkOrigination.Properties SIP Trunk Origination Properties
SIP.TrunkOrigination.SearchFilters SIP Trunk Origination Search filters
SIP.TrunkTermination SIP Trunk Termination
SIP.TrunkTermination.Options SIP Trunk Termination Options
SIP.TrunkTermination.Properties SIP Trunk Termination Properties
SIP.TrunkTermination.SearchFilters SIP Trunk Termination Search filters
SMS SMS text message
SMS.Options The SMS.Options object defines the following properties.
SMS.Quote Quote for a SMS
SMS.SearchFilters Search filters
SubAccount Sub Account
SubAccount.Account Sub Account Account
SubAccount.Contact Sub Account Contact
SubAccount.CreateOptions Sub Account Creation Options
SubAccount.CreateOptions.Password Sub Account Creation Options Password
SubAccount.CreateParams Sub Account Params Creation
SubAccount.CreateParams.Billing Sub Account Params Billing Creation
SubAccount.CreateProperties Sub Account Creation Properties
SubAccount.Credentials Sub Account Credentials
SubAccount.EditOptions Sub Account Edition Options
SubAccount.EditParams Sub Account Params Editable
SubAccount.EditParams.Billing Sub Account Params Billing Editable
SubAccount.EditProperties Sub Account Edition Properties
SubAccount.Params Sub Account Params
SubAccount.Params.Billing Sub Account Params Billing
SubAccount.Params.Default Sub Account Params Default
SubAccount.Quota Sub Account Quota
SubAccount.SearchFilters Sub Account Search filters
SubAccount.State Sub Account State
SubAccount.TransferOptions Sub Account Tranfer Options
Target Target (Phone number + timeout)
Timezone Timezone object
Webhook Webhook object
Webhook.Event Webhook event object
Webhook.Event.Billing.Credit Webhook Credit event
Webhook.Log.Search.Filters Webhook log search filters
Webhook.Options Webhook options




Actions App..

  "format": "(string)",
  "script": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
format string The only format supported right now is "YAML"
script string The actions

See Also



Actions Start Options

  "variables": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
variables object Key/value object of variables to override. Variables must start with a $ sign.


Postal Address

  "city": "(string)",
  "country": "FR",
  "state": "(string)",
  "street": "(string)",
  "zip": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
city string The address city
Format: address_city (City)
country string The address country
Format: country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: "US")
state string The address state
Format: address_state (State)
street string The address street name and number
Format: address_street (Street name and number)
zip string The address zip code
Format: address_zip (ZIP Code)


Analytics Calls by App

  "aloc": 0,
  "count": 0,
  "credit": "0.0000",
  "debit": "0.0000",
  "duration": 0,
  "hash": "UNIQUEID"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
aloc int Average length of call
count int Calls count
credit string Credit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
debit string Debit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
duration int Calls duration (answered)
hash string App ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)


Analytics Calls by Country

  "aloc": 0,
  "count": 0,
  "country_code": "FR",
  "credit": "0.0000",
  "debit": "0.0000",
  "duration": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
aloc int Average length of call
count int Calls count
country_code string Country code
Format: country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: "US")
credit string Credit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
debit string Debit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
duration int Calls duration (answered)


Analytics Calls by Destination

  "aloc": 0,
  "billing_label": "(string)",
  "count": 0,
  "credit": "0.0000",
  "debit": "0.0000",
  "duration": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
aloc int Average length of call
billing_label string Destination billing label
count int Calls count
credit string Credit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
debit string Debit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
duration int Calls duration (answered)


Analytics Calls by DID

  "aloc": 0,
  "billing_label": "(string)",
  "count": 0,
  "credit": "0.0000",
  "debit": "0.0000",
  "duration": 0,
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "intl": "+33612345678"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
aloc int Average length of call
billing_label string DID billing label
count int Calls count
credit string Credit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
debit string Debit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
duration int Calls duration (answered)
hash string DID ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
intl string DID number
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")


Analytics History

  "IN": [],
  "OUT": []
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
IN array Inbound calls
Array of objects: Analytics.Calls.History.Call
OUT array Outbound calls
Array of objects: Analytics.Calls.History.Call


Analytics Calls History (date)

  "aloc": 0,
  "count": 0,
  "credit": "0.0000",
  "date": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "debit": "0.0000",
  "duration": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
aloc int Average length of call
count int Calls count
credit string Credit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
date string Date
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
debit string Debit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
duration int Calls duration (answered)


Analytics (summary)

  "IN": {},
  "OUT": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
IN object Inbound calls
Object: Analytics.Calls.Summary.IN
OUT object Outbound calls
Object: Analytics.Calls.Summary.OUT


Analytics Summary Calls IN

  "aloc": 0,
  "count": 0,
  "credit": "0.0000",
  "debit": "0.0000",
  "duration": 0,
  "unique_callers": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
aloc int Average length of call
count int Calls count
credit string Credit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
debit string Debit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
duration int Calls duration (answered)
unique_callers int Unique callers


Analytics Summary Calls OUT

  "aloc": 0,
  "count": 0,
  "credit": "0.0000",
  "debit": "0.0000",
  "duration": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
aloc int Average length of call
count int Calls count
credit string Credit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
debit string Debit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
duration int Calls duration (answered)


SMS Analytics History

  "IN": [],
  "OUT": []
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
IN array Inbound calls
OUT array Outbound calls
Array of objects: Analytics.SMS.History.OUT


SMS Analytics Calls History (date)

  "count": 0,
  "credit": "0.0000",
  "date": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "debit": "0.0000",
  "parts": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
count int SMS count
credit string Credit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
date string Date
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
debit string Debit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
parts int SMS parts (billed)


SMS Analytics (summary)

  "IN": {},
  "OUT": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
IN object Inbound SMS
OUT object Outbound SMS
Object: Analytics.SMS.Summary.OUT


SMS Analytics Summary SMS OUT

  "count": 0,
  "credit": "0.0000",
  "debit": "0.0000",
  "parts": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
count int SMS count
credit string Credit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
debit string Debit
Format: amount_4 (amount in cents with 4 decimals. Example : "1000.0000" for 10 USD or EUR)
parts int SMS parts (billed)


Voice App

  "date_creation": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "date_update": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "did": [],
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "name": "(string)",
  "p": {},
  "package": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
date_creation string Date of creation
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
date_update string Date of last update
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
did array DIDs assigned to the App
Array of objects: DID
hash string App ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
name string App name
p object App parameters
package object App package
Object: App.Package

See Also



Voice App Package

  "has_did": true,
  "name": "REALTIME10",
  "type": "REALTIME"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
has_did bool Determines if the Voice App can be assigned a DID
name string Package name
type string Package type



  "active": true,
  "email_template": "UNIQUEID",
  "emails": [],
  "file_format": "wav",
  "file_name": "(string)",
  "intro": 0,
  "locale": "(string)",
  "ner": true,
  "pii": true,
  "record": true,
  "sentiment": true,
  "timeout": 0,
  "timezone": "(string)",
  "transcription": true
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
active bool If not activated, the call is hang up
email_template string Email template
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
emails array Email recipients
file_format string File attachment format
Values: "mp3", "sln", "wav"
file_name string File attachment name
Format: vms_file_name (Voicemail Recording Attachement filename. Use these tags to name the file. Example: "{CALLID}-{MEDIA_HASH}" or "{DATETIME}-{CALLID}")
intro int Media prompt
locale string Locale used for date/time formatting and transcription.
Format: locale (POSIX/IANA locale code. Example: "en_US" or "fr_FR".)
ner bool Enables Named Entity Recognition. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
pii bool Enables Personally Identifiable Informations. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
record bool if FALSE, the call is hang up after playing the prompt
sentiment bool Enables sentiment analysis. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
timeout int Max recording length in seconds. Must be 30 <= x <= 300.
timezone string Timezone IANA name
Format: timezone_str (IANA timezone name. Example: "Europe/Paris".)
transcription bool Enables transcription. If NULL, the account default value will be taken.

See Also



Outbound Voicemail Detection

  "active": true,
  "dtmf_iterations": 0,
  "dtmf_media": 0,
  "dtmf_timeout": 0,
  "method": "SILENCE",
  "silence_iterations": 0,
  "silence_media": 0,
  "silence_ms": 0,
  "silence_timeout": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
active bool Active ?
dtmf_iterations int When using the DTMF method, how many times do we try to have a DTMF ? (default: 2)
dtmf_media int When using the DTMF method, Media played before detection (default: 0)
dtmf_timeout int When using the DTMF method, how long do we wait for a DTMF to be sent ? (default: 2)
method string Detection method
Values: "DTMF", "SILENCE"
silence_iterations int When using the SILENCE method, how many times do we try ? (default: 1, min: 1, max: 30)
silence_media int When using the SILENCE method, Media played before detection (default: 0)
silence_ms int When using the SILENCE method, how long must be the silence in milliseconds ? (default: 1800, min: 50, max: 10000)
silence_timeout int When using the SILENCE method, how long do we try to detect silence ? (default: 3, min: 0, max: 120)

See Also



Search filters

  "name": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
name string App name



  "created_at": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "last_used_at": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "name": "(string)",
  "updated_at": "2024-04-24 00:42:42"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
created_at string Date of creation
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
last_used_at string Date of last usage
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
name string Api-key name
updated_at string Date of update
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")

See Also



Session Token

  "refresh_token": "(string)",
  "refreshable_until": "(string)",
  "token": "(string)",
  "valid_until": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
refresh_token string Token for refreshing the current token
refreshable_until string Date until this token can be refreshed
token string Session token
valid_until string Date until this token is still valid

See Also



Calls Broadcast (1) Options

  "cdr_field": "(string)",
  "cli": "(string)",
  "direct_to_voicemail": true,
  "loop": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
cdr_field string Custom field written in the CDR
Format: cdr_customer_field (32 alphanumeric characters maximum)
cli string Calling Line Identification. Can be "BLOCKED", any DID you have on your account, or any phone number we have authorized on your account.
Format: cli_phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", "+33678912345" or "BLOCKED")
direct_to_voicemail bool Leave voicemail without making the phone ring. Works only on mobile phones.
loop int Play messages in a loop! min=1 max=10


Call Tracking with call forwarding, prompts, and voicemail

  "ga": {},
  "medias": {},
  "options": {},
  "targets": [],
  "vms": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
ga object Google Analytics
medias object Medias
Object: CALLTRACKING10.Medias
options object Options
Object: CALLTRACKING10.Options
targets array Targets (Call forwarding)
Array of objects: Target
vms object Voicemail
Object: App.Param.Vms

See Also



CALLTRACKING10 Google Analytics

  "ua": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
ua string Google Analytics Web Property ID



  "bridge": 0,
  "ringtone": 0,
  "welcome": 0,
  "whisper": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
bridge int Played to both parties before bridging the call
ringtone int Played while the target is ringing
welcome int Played immediately to the caller
whisper int Played to the target only (callee whispering)

See Also




  "feeds": "both",
  "locale": "(string)",
  "ner": true,
  "pii": true,
  "record_calls": true,
  "sentiment": true,
  "transcription": true
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
feeds string Specify the feeds to be processed. Defaults to both feeds ("both").
Values: "all", "both", "leg_a", "leg_b"
locale string Language spoken. Leave empty for auto detection (not recommended).
Format: locale (POSIX/IANA locale code. Example: "en_US" or "fr_FR".)
ner bool Enables Named Entity Recognition. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
pii bool Enables Personally Identifiable Informations. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
record_calls bool Activate call recordings
sentiment bool Enables sentiment analysis. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
transcription bool Enables transcription. Call recording must be enabled. If NULL, the account default value will be taken.


Inbound Call Detail Record (CDR)

  "answer": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "billing_customer_cost_label": "(string)",
  "billing_customer_credit_eur": "0.00",
  "billing_customer_debit_eur": "0.00",
  "callid": 0,
  "cli_country_code": "FR",
  "cli_name": "(string)",
  "cli_number": "+447890123456",
  "cli_number_type": "(string)",
  "cli_pres": "allowed_passed_screen",
  "customer_field": "(string)",
  "did_hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "did_intl_number": "+33612345678",
  "duration": 0,
  "duration_answered": 0,
  "duration_billed": 0,
  "hangup": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "hangupcause": 0,
  "hangupsource": "CALLER",
  "package_name": "(string)",
  "scenario_hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "scenario_name": "(string)",
  "start": "2024-04-24 00:42:42"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
answer string Call answer date and time
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
billing_customer_cost_label string Billing destination name
billing_customer_credit_eur string Call credit (cents)
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
billing_customer_debit_eur string Call debit (cents)
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
callid int Unique call ID
Format: callid (64-bit unsigned integer)
cli_country_code string CLI country code if available
Format: country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: "US")
cli_name string CLI name if available
cli_number string CLI number if available
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
cli_number_type string CLI number type if available
cli_pres string CLI presentation
Values: "allowed_passed_screen", "prohib_passed_screen"
customer_field string Custom CDR field
Format: cdr_customer_field (32 alphanumeric characters maximum)
did_hash string DID unique ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
did_intl_number string DID number
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
duration int Call total duration in seconds
duration_answered int Call answered duration in seconds
duration_billed int Call billed duration in seconds
hangup string Call hangup date and time
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
hangupcause int ISDN cause code
hangupsource string Hangup source
package_name string Package name
scenario_hash string Voice app ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
scenario_name string Voice app name
start string Call start date and time
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")

See Also



Outbound Call Detail Record (CDR)

  "answer": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "billing_customer_cost_label": "(string)",
  "billing_customer_credit_eur": "0.00",
  "billing_customer_debit_eur": "0.00",
  "callid": 0,
  "callid_in": 0,
  "cli_name": "(string)",
  "cli_number": "+33612345678",
  "cli_pres": "allowed_passed_screen",
  "customer_field": "(string)",
  "dialstatus": "BUSY",
  "duration": 0,
  "duration_answered": 0,
  "duration_billed": 0,
  "hangup": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "hangupcause": 0,
  "hangupsource": "CALLER",
  "number": "+33612345678",
  "number_country_code": "FR",
  "number_type": "(string)",
  "package_name": "(string)",
  "scenario_hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "scenario_name": "(string)",
  "start": "2024-04-24 00:42:42"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
answer string Call answer date and time
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
billing_customer_cost_label string Billing destination name
billing_customer_credit_eur string Call credit (cents)
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
billing_customer_debit_eur string Call debit (cents)
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
callid int Unique call ID
Format: callid (64-bit unsigned integer)
callid_in int Inbound call ID if available
Format: callid (64-bit unsigned integer)
cli_name string CLI name if available
cli_number string CLI number if available
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
cli_pres string CLI presentation
Values: "allowed_passed_screen", "prohib_passed_screen"
customer_field string Custom CDR field
Format: cdr_customer_field (32 alphanumeric characters maximum)
dialstatus string Dial status
duration int Call total duration in seconds
duration_answered int Call answered duration in seconds
duration_billed int Call billed duration in seconds
hangup string Call hangup date and time
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
hangupcause int ISDN cause code
hangupsource string Hangup source
number string Outbound number
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
number_country_code string Number country code
Format: country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: "US")
number_type string Number type
package_name string Package name
scenario_hash string Voice app ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
scenario_name string Voice app name
start string Call start date and time
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")

See Also



Search filters

  "app": "UNIQUEID",
  "did": "UNIQUEID",
  "from": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "to": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "type": "IN"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
app string Voice App hash
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
did string DID hash
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
from string Retrieve from this date
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
hash string SMS Hash
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
to string Retrieve until this date (inclusive)
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
type string CDR type. This property MUST be filled.
Values: "IN", "OUT"

See Also



Click-to-Call Call

  "a_status": {},
  "a_targets": [],
  "app": {},
  "b_status": {},
  "b_targets": [],
  "cdr_field": "(string)",
  "cli": "(string)",
  "date_creation": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "date_scheduled": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "date_started": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "date_update": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "hash": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
a_status object Party A call status
Object: CLICKTOCALL.Call.Status
a_targets array Targets called first ("A")
Array of objects: Target
app object Voice App
Object: App
b_status object Party B call status
Object: CLICKTOCALL.Call.Status
b_targets array Targets called second ("B")
Array of objects: Target
cdr_field string Custom CDR field
Format: cdr_customer_field (32 alphanumeric characters maximum)
cli string CLI presented to party A. Party B will see the party A target number that answered the call
Format: cli_phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", "+33678912345" or "BLOCKED")
date_creation string Date and time of creation
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
date_scheduled string Date and time scheduled
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
date_started string Date and time started
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
date_update string Date and time of last update
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
hash string Call identifier

See Also



Click-to-Call Call Status

  "callid": 0,
  "number": "+447890123456",
  "status": "ANSWER",
  "try": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
callid int Call Unique ID (CDR)
Format: callid (64-bit unsigned integer)
number string The number dialing or answered
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
status string Call status
try int Call try


Click-to-Call Start Options

  "cdr_field": "(string)",
  "cli": "(string)",
  "schedule": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
cdr_field string Custom CDR field
Format: cdr_customer_field (32 alphanumeric characters maximum)
cli string CLI used to call A
Format: cli_phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", "+33678912345" or "BLOCKED")
schedule string Schedule the call in the future. Set any date in the past to start the call immediately

See Also



Click-to-Call with dynamic A/B parties

  "medias": {},
  "options": {},
  "vms": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
medias object Medias
Object: CLICKTOCALL10.Medias
options object Options
Object: CLICKTOCALL10.Options
vms object Voicemail for A if B does not answer
Object: App.Param.Vms



  "A_ringtone": 0,
  "A_welcome": 0,
  "AB_bridge": 0,
  "B_whisper": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
A_ringtone int Played to A while calling B
A_welcome int Played to A immediately
AB_bridge int Played to both parties before bridging the call
B_whisper int Played to B only (A still hears the ringtone)



  "A_attempts": 0,
  "A_retrypause": 0,
  "A_vms_detect": {},
  "B_vms_detect": {},
  "feeds": "both",
  "locale": "(string)",
  "ner": true,
  "pii": true,
  "record_calls": true,
  "sentiment": true,
  "transcription": true
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
A_attempts int Call attempts. Must be between 1 and 5
A_retrypause int Pause between attempts. Must be between 30 and 300
A_vms_detect object Outbound voicemail detection on A
Object: App.Param.VmsDetect
B_vms_detect object Outbound voicemail detection on B
Object: App.Param.VmsDetect
feeds string Specify the feeds to be processed. Defaults to both feeds ("both").
Values: "all", "both", "leg_a", "leg_b"
locale string Language spoken. Leave empty for auto detection (not recommended).
Format: locale (POSIX/IANA locale code. Example: "en_US" or "fr_FR".)
ner bool Enables Named Entity Recognition. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
pii bool Enables Personally Identifiable Informations. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
record_calls bool Active call recording
sentiment bool Enables sentiment analysis. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
transcription bool Enables transcription. Call recording must be enabled. If NULL, the account default value will be taken.


Country object

  "capital_code": "(string)",
  "continent_code": "(string)",
  "country_code": "FR",
  "country_dialcode": "(string)",
  "country_en_label": "(string)",
  "country_fr_label": "(string)",
  "country_label": "(string)",
  "country_languages": "(string)",
  "country_latitude": "(string)",
  "country_localcode": "(string)",
  "country_longitude": "(string)",
  "country_neighbours": "FR",
  "country_number_length": "(string)",
  "country_tld": "(string)",
  "currency_code": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
capital_code string Country's Capital 3-letter code
continent_code string Country's Continent 3-letter code
country_code string Country's Code
Format: country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: "US")
country_dialcode string Country's E.164 Dialcode
country_en_label string Country name (uppercase) in English
country_fr_label string Country name (uppercase) in French
country_label string Country name (lowercase) in English
country_languages string Country's Languages
country_latitude string Country's Latitude
country_localcode string Country's Local code
country_longitude string Country's Longitude
country_neighbours string Country's Neighbours comma separated
Format: country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: "US")
country_number_length string Country's Phone Numbers Length
country_tld string Country's Top Level Domain (TLD)
currency_code string Country's Currency

See Also



Authorized Customer CLI

  "cli": "(string)",
  "comment": "(string)",
  "label": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
cli string Phone number/SMS Sender authorized
comment string Custom comment
label string Custom label


DID (Phone Number)

  "app": "UNIQUEID",
  "class": "GOLD",
  "country_code": "FR",
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "intl_number": "+16469820800",
  "local_number": "(string)",
  "local_number_f": "(string)",
  "type": "MOBILE"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
app string Voice App ID assigned to the DID, NULL otherwise
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
class string DID class
Values: "CLASSIC", "GOLD"
country_code string DID country code
Format: country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: "US")
hash string DID ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
intl_number string Phone number in international format
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
local_number string Phone number in local format
local_number_f string Phone number in local format, formatted
type string DID type


Area code

  "available": {},
  "country_code": "FR",
  "id": 0,
  "intl_prefix": "(string)",
  "label": "(string)",
  "local_prefix": "(string)",
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
available object DID availability in the store for this area code
Object: DID.Store.Availability
country_code string Country code
Format: country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: "US")
id int Area code ID
intl_prefix string Area code international prefix
label string Area code name (english)
local_prefix string Area code local prefix
type string DID type of this area code

See Also



DID Country

  "available": {},
  "code": "FR",
  "label": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
available object DID availability in the store for this country
Object: DID.Store.Availability
code string Country code
Format: country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: "US")
label string Country name (english)

See Also



DID Search filters

  "class": "CLASSIC",
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "KEYWORDS": "(string)",
  "type": "PLATFORM"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
class string DID class
Values: "CLASSIC", "GOLD"
hash string DID ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
KEYWORDS string Phone number
type string DID type

See Also



DID Availability

  "CLASSIC": 0,
  "GOLD": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
CLASSIC int Number of CLASSIC numbers available
GOLD int Number of GOLD numbers available

See Also



DID Buy Status

  "contract": {},
  "cost": {},
  "errors": [],
  "success": []
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
contract object Subscription contract
Object: DID.Store.Contract
cost object DIDs cost
Object: DID.Store.Cost
errors array DIDs reserved but not bought
Array of objects: DID.Store.Error
success array DIDs successfully bought.
Array of objects: DID.Store.Item

See Also



DID Reservation Contract

  "billing_mode": "PREPAID",
  "duration_month": 0,
  "end_date": "2024-04-24 00:42:42"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
billing_mode string Billing mode when buying DIDs.
duration_month int Contract duration in month
end_date string Contract end date
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")

See Also



DID Reservation Cost

  "amount_per_month": "0.00",
  "amount_prepaid_debit": "0.00",
  "amount_unit": "0.00",
  "discount_percent": 0,
  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_paying": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
amount_per_month string DIDs cost (monthly)
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
amount_prepaid_debit string Amount that will be debited from your prepaid credit (if your account is PREPAID).
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
amount_unit string Cost per DID
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
discount_percent int Discount (percentage) applied to your order
quantity int Number of DIDs reserved
quantity_paying int Number of DIDs you will be paying (some contract have free DIDs included)

See Also



DID Store Error

  "code": 0,
  "DID": {},
  "message": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
code int Error code
DID object DID with error
Object: DID.Store.Item
message string Error message

See Also



DID Item (phone number) in Store

  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "intl_number": "(string)",
  "local_number": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
hash string DID ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
intl_number string Phone number (international)
local_number string Phone number (national)

See Also



DID Store Quota Status

  "assigned_count": 0,
  "assigned_max": 0,
  "quota_current_count": 0,
  "quota_current_remaining": 0,
  "quota_max_over_period": 0,
  "quota_period_days": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
assigned_count int Current number of DIDs assigned
assigned_max int Max number of DIDs that can be assigned to your account, "-1" if unlimited.
quota_current_count int Current number of DIDs you bought in "$quota_period_days" days.
quota_current_remaining int Max number of DIDs you can buy given you previous orders, "-1" if unlimited.
quota_max_over_period int Max number of DIDs you can buy over "$quota_period_days" days, "-1" if unlimited.
quota_period_days int Quota period in days.

See Also



DID Quote

  "available": 0,
  "contract": {},
  "cost": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
available int Number of DIDs available based on your request
contract object Subscription contract
Object: DID.Store.Contract
cost object DIDs cost
Object: DID.Store.Cost

See Also



DID Reservation Status

  "contract": {},
  "cost": {},
  "expire": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "items": [],
  "token": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
contract object Subscription contract
Object: DID.Store.Contract
cost object DIDs cost
Object: DID.Store.Cost
expire string Token expiration date
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
items array DIDs reserved.
Array of objects: DID.Store.Item
token string Order token

See Also



DID type

  "available": {},
  "code": "VERIFIED",
  "label": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
available object DID availability in the store for this type
Object: DID.Store.Availability
code string DID type code
label string DID type label

See Also



HRL response

  "mcc": "(string)",
  "mnc": "(string)",
  "state": "SUCCESS"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
mcc string Mobile Country Code
mnc string Mobile Network Code
state string State


Job object

  "done_at": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "error": {},
  "id": "(string)",
  "percent": "(string)",
  "result": {},
  "status": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
done_at string Date and time of the process end
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
error object Error object if process failed. NULL if no error occurred.
id string Unique ID
Format: hid (Unique object identifier)
percent string Percentage of completion of the job. E.g.: "98.90", "100.00"
result object Object containing the result of the process when done
status string Status of the job. Can be one of : PENDING, RUNNING, CANCELED, DONE.


Email template object

  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "name": "(string)",
  "type": "RECORD"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
hash string Template ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
name string Template name
type string Template type
Values: "RECORD", "VMS"


Media.Library object

  "category": [],
  "content": "(string)",
  "duration": 0,
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "id": 0,
  "is_editable": true,
  "language": [],
  "name": "(string)",
  "tags": {},
  "url": "(string)",
  "voice": "TTS_NL-NL_CLAIRE"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
category array Media categories (string)
content string Media text content if provided
duration int Media duration
hash string Media Hash ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
id int Media ID
is_editable bool Is the media editable ?
language array Media languages
Format: locale (POSIX/IANA locale code. Example: "en_US" or "fr_FR".)
name string Media name
status string Media status
tags object Dictionary (key/value) of tags. Key is the tag key (string). Value in an array of string (tag values).
url string Media MP3 URL
voice string Text-to-Speech Voice ID

See Also



Library overview

  "count": {},
  "ready": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
count object Quantities by status
Object: Media.Library.Overview.Count
ready object Quantity and total size of READY media
Object: Media.Library.Overview.Ready


Library overview (count)

  "ERROR": 0,
  "READY": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
ERROR int Quantity of ERROR media
PROCESSING int Quantity of PROCESSING media
READY int Quantity of READY media


Library overview (ready)

  "count": 0,
  "size": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
count int Quantity of READY media
size int Total size of READY media (in bytes)


Phone ID (DTMF sequence + phone number)

  "code": "(string)",
  "number": "+447890123456"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
code string DTMF sequence
number string Phone number
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")


Media quota

  "count": {},
  "duration": {},
  "quota": {},
  "status": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
count object The quantity of your media files
Object: Media.Quota.Count
duration object The duration of your media files
Object: Media.Quota.Duration
quota object The quota set
Object: Media.Quota.Quota
status object Where you stand with your quota
Object: Media.Quota.Status

See Also



Media quota (count)

  "library": 0,
  "recording": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
library int Quantity of library files
recording int Quantity of recordings files

See Also



Media quota (duration)

  "library": 0,
  "recording": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
library int Duration of library files
recording int Duration of recordings files

See Also



Media quota (quota)

  "free": 0,
  "paid": 0,
  "unit": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
free int Free storage (seconds)
paid int Paid storage (seconds)
unit string Storage unit (always "seconds")

See Also



Media quota (status)

  "unit": "(string)",
  "unused": 0,
  "used": 0,
  "used_by_library": 0,
  "used_by_recording": 0,
  "used_free": 0,
  "used_paid": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
unit string Storage unit (always "seconds")
unused int Storage unused
used int Storage used (total)
used_by_library int Storage used by library files
used_by_recording int Storage used by recordings files
used_free int Free storage used
used_paid int Paid storage used

See Also



Media Recording

  "app_hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "app_name": "(string)",
  "callid": 0,
  "cli_name": "(string)",
  "cli_number": "+33612345678",
  "date": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "date_read": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "did_hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "did_intl_number": "+33612345678",
  "did_local_number": "(string)",
  "duration": 0,
  "file_size_total": 0,
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "options": {},
  "read": true,
  "status": "RECORDING",
  "type": "VOICEMAIL",
  "url": "(string)",
  "url_exts": [],
  "url_mp3": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
app_hash string App ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
app_name string App name
callid int Call ID (CDR)
Format: callid (64-bit unsigned integer)
cli_name string Caller ID (name)
cli_number string Caller ID (number)
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
date string Date and time of the recording
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
date_read string Date and time when the recording was read
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
did_hash string DID ID (if the recording is linked to a DID)
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
did_intl_number string DID number (international format) (if the recording is linked to a DID)
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
did_local_number string DID number (national format) (if the recording is linked to a DID)
duration int Recording duration (seconds)
file_size_total int File size in bytes
hash string Recording ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
options object Recording Options
Object: Media.Recording.Options
read bool Read status
status string Status
type string Recording types
url string URL of the recording without the extension
url_exts array Array of available extensions (ususally "mp3")
url_mp3 string URL of the recording in mp3

See Also



Recording Action Result

  "errors": [],
  "success": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
errors array Array of Recordings (action failed)
Array of objects: Media.Recording.ActionResult.Error
success int Quantity of successful actions


Recording Action Result (error)

  "code": 0,
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "message": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
code int Error Code
hash string Recording ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
message string Error message


Recording List Result

  "items": [],
  "total_items": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
items array Recordings
Array of objects: Media.Recording
total_items int Number of items


The Media.Recording.Options object defines the following properties.

  "feeds": "leg_a",
  "locale": "(string)",
  "ner": true,
  "pii": true,
  "sentiment": true,
  "transcription": true,
  "webhook": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
feeds string Specify the feeds to be processed. Defaults to both feeds ("both").
Values: "all", "both", "leg_a", "leg_b"
locale string Specify the language spoken. Leave empty for auto detection (not recommended).
Format: locale (POSIX/IANA locale code. Example: "en_US" or "fr_FR".)
ner bool Enables Named Entity Recognition. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
pii bool Enables Personally Identifiable Informations. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
sentiment bool Enables sentiment analysis. Defaults to true. Only works if transcription is enabled.
transcription bool Enables transcription on this recording. If not set, the account default value will be taken.
webhook object Dynamic webhook for this Media Recording. Status updates will be set to this specific webhook (and also to your "" and "media.recording.status_update" subscriptions). You only need to set 'endpoint' and optionally 'options'.
Object: Webhook

See Also



Recording overview

  "CALL": {},
  "RECORDING": {},
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
CALL object Media of type CALL
Object: Media.Recording.Overview.Status
CONFERENCE object Media of type CONFERENCE
Object: Media.Recording.Overview.Status
RECORDING object Media of type RECORDING
Object: Media.Recording.Overview.Status
VOICEMAIL object Media of type VOICEMAIL
Object: Media.Recording.Overview.Status


Recording overview (status)

  "count": {},
  "ready": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
count object Quantities by status
Object: Media.Recording.Overview.Status.Count
ready object Quantity and total size of READY media
Object: Media.Recording.Overview.Status.Ready


Recording overview (count)

  "ERROR": 0,
  "READY": 0,
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
ERROR int Quantity of ERROR media
PROCESSING int Quantity of PROCESSING media
READY int Quantity of READY media
RECORDING int Quantity of RECORDING media


Recording overview (ready)

  "count": 0,
  "read": 0,
  "size": 0,
  "unread": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
count int Quantity of READY media
read int Quantity of READY media (read)
size int Total size of READY media (in bytes)
unread int Quantity of READY media (unread)


Recording read status

  "CALL": {},
  "RECORDING": {},
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
CALL object Media of type CALL
Object: Media.Recording.ReadStatus.Status
CONFERENCE object Media of type CONFERENCE
Object: Media.Recording.ReadStatus.Status
RECORDING object Media of type RECORDING
Object: Media.Recording.ReadStatus.Status
VOICEMAIL object Media of type VOICEMAIL
Object: Media.Recording.ReadStatus.Status


Recording read status (status)

  "count": 0,
  "read": 0,
  "unread": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
count int Quantity of media
read int Quantity of media (read)
unread int Quantity of media (unread)


Search filters

  "callid": 0,
  "cli_number": "+16469820800",
  "date_from": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "date_to": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "duration_min": 0,
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "read": true,
  "read_at_from": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "read_at_to": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "status": "RECORDING",
  "type": "RECORDING"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
callid int Call ID (from CDR)
Format: callid (64-bit unsigned integer)
cli_number string Caller ID (number)
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
date_from string Retrieve media recorded from this date
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
date_to string Retrieve media recorded until this date (inclusive)
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
duration_min int Minimum duration of the media (in seconds)
hash string Media Hash
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
read bool Wether or not the media has been read
read_at_from string Retrieve media read from this date
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
read_at_to string Retrieve media read until this date (inclusive)
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
status string Media status
type string Type of recording


Search filters

  "category": "WELCOME",
  "created_at_from": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "created_at_to": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "id": 0,
  "language": [],
  "name": "(string)",
  "status": "PROCESSING",
  "tags_type": "(string)",
  "tags_value": "(string)",
  "voice": "TTS_FR-FR_VIRGINIE"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
category string Media category
created_at_from string Retrieve from this date
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
created_at_to string Retrieve until this date (inclusive)
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
hash string Media Hash
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
id int Media ID
language array Media languages
Format: locale (POSIX/IANA locale code. Example: "en_US" or "fr_FR".)
name string Name
status string Media status
tags_type string Media tag type, key used when calling media/library.set_tags
tags_value string Media tag value, value used when calling media/library.set_tags
voice string Text-to-Speech Voice ID


Media Text-to-Speech Options

  "rate": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
rate int Speech rate. min:1 max:100 default:50


NumberInfos object

  "country_code": "FR",
  "intl_code": "(string)",
  "intl_number": "+447890123456",
  "is_valid": true,
  "local_number": "(string)",
  "local_prefix": "(string)",
  "location": "(string)",
  "type": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
country_code string Phone number country
Format: country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: "US")
intl_code string International dial code
intl_number string Phone number in international format
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
is_valid bool Indicate if the phone number is correctly formatted
local_number string Phone number in local format
local_prefix string Local (in country) dial prefix
location string Phone number location (not always accurate)
type string Phone number type (not always accurate)

See Also



Push Hook (push URL configuration) - deprecated object

  "auth": "(string)",
  "url": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
auth string Basic HTTP Authentication (login:password)
Format: http_basic_auth (login:password used for Basic HTTP Authentication)
url string Your URL
Format: url (HTTP(S) URL)


Realtime App. Allows you to control the call in Real-Time.

  "data_format": "JSON",
  "login": "(string)",
  "password": "(string)",
  "url": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
data_format string Data format. The only format supported right now is "JSON"
Values: "JSON"
login string Login if your URL is password protected (HTTP Basic Authentication)
password string Password If your URL is password protected (HTTP Basic Authentication)
url string Your URL callback. Our system will POST call status to your URL, and your answers will control the call

See Also



Realtime Call Options

  "cdr_field": "(string)",
  "cli": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
cdr_field string Custom field written in the CDR.
Format: cdr_customer_field (32 alphanumeric characters maximum)
cli string Calling Line Identification. Can be "BLOCKED", any DID you have on your account, or any phone number we have authorized on your account.
Format: cli_phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", "+33678912345" or "BLOCKED")


Real-Time Request (Our POST to your server)

  "app": "UNIQUEID",
  "call_status": "UP",
  "callid": 0,
  "cdr_field": "(string)",
  "cli_name": "(string)",
  "cli_number": "(string)",
  "command": "(string)",
  "command_error": "(string)",
  "command_id": 42,
  "command_result": "(string)",
  "date_started": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "number": "+447890123456",
  "request_hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "variables": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
app string Voice App ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
call_status string Call status.
callid int Call Unique ID (CDR)
Format: callid (64-bit unsigned integer)
cdr_field string Custom field set by you when making the call
Format: cdr_customer_field (32 alphanumeric characters maximum)
cli_name string CLI name
cli_number string CLI number
command string The command name related to this request.
command_error string The command error (if any) related to this request.
command_id mixed The command id related to this request.
command_result string The command result related to this request.
date_started string When the call has started
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
number string DID/Outbound phone number
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
request_hash string Outbound Request ID (if outbound call)
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
variables object Key/Value object sent back with each request. You can use this as a session object.


Real-Time Response (Your response to our requests). You have to send it within 5 seconds. The earliest, the better.

  "command": "(string)",
  "command_id": 42,
  "params": {},
  "variables": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
command string The command we have to execute (see the commands list in Real-Time)
command_id mixed Command ID. Use the value you want. We will send this ID back when we have the result ready. Useful to keep track of your scenario.
params object Command parameters. See the Real-Time commands.
variables object Key/Value object. You can fill this object with anything, we will send it back without touching it in our next request. You can use this as a session object.


Search options

  "offset": 0,
  "order": "(string)",
  "quantity": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
offset int Start index (zero-based)
order string Order by
quantity int Limit quantity


Search results

  "has_more": true,
  "hits": [],
  "offset": 0,
  "total": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
has_more bool More items available
hits array Hits
offset int Current index
total int Total available


SIP Subscriber

  "cli": "(string)",
  "codecs": [],
  "domain": "(string)",
  "id": 0,
  "password": "(string)",
  "privacy": "full",
  "ring_timeout": 0,
  "srtp": true,
  "username": "(string)",
  "vms": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
cli string Calling Line Identification. Can be "BLOCKED", any DID you have on your account, or any phone number we have authorized on your account.
Format: cli_phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", "+33678912345" or "BLOCKED")
codecs array Codecs
Values: "G729", "OPUS", "PCMA", "PCMU"
domain string Domain (auto-filled)
id int SIP Subscriber ID
password string Password (auto-generated)
privacy string Privacy
Values: "full", "off"
ring_timeout int Ring timeout in seconds
Format: ring_timeout (Must be between 5 and 120 seconds)
srtp bool Set to true to enable SRTP on inbound calls
username string Username
Format: sip_subscriber_username (SIP Subscriber username)
vms object Voicemail Params
Object: App.Param.Vms

See Also



SIP Subscriber Options

  "vms": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
vms object Voicemail Params
Object: App.Param.Vms

See Also



SIP Subscriber Properties

  "cli": "(string)",
  "codecs": [],
  "privacy": "full",
  "ring_timeout": 0,
  "srtp": true,
  "username": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
cli string Calling Line Identification (optional, default: "BLOCKED"). Can be "BLOCKED", any DID you have on your account, or any phone number we have authorized on your account.
Format: cli_phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", "+33678912345" or "BLOCKED")
codecs array Codecs (optional, default: empty)
Values: "G729", "OPUS", "PCMA", "PCMU"
privacy string Privacy (optional, default: "full" ie. Presentation prohibited (Anonymous call))
Values: "full", "off"
ring_timeout int Ring timeout in seconds (optional, default: 30)
Format: ring_timeout (Must be between 5 and 120 seconds)
srtp bool Set to true to enable SRTP on inbound calls
username string Username (optional, default: auto-generated)
Format: sip_subscriber_username (SIP Subscriber username)

See Also



SIP Subscriber Search filters

  "domain": "(string)",
  "username": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
domain string Domain
username string Username
Format: sip_subscriber_username (SIP Subscriber username)

See Also



SIP Trunk Origination

  "id": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
id int SIP Trunk Origination ID

See Also



SIP Trunk Origination Options


Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description

See Also



SIP Trunk Origination Properties


Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description

See Also



SIP Trunk Origination Search filters


Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description

See Also



SIP Trunk Termination

  "id": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
id int SIP Trunk Termination ID

See Also



SIP Trunk Termination Options


Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description

See Also



SIP Trunk Termination Properties


Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description

See Also



SIP Trunk Termination Search filters


Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description

See Also



SMS text message

  "b_customer_debit": "0.00",
  "b_customer_mode": "POSTPAID",
  "date_creation": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "date_received": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "date_sent": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "date_update": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "encoding": "GSM",
  "from": "(string)",
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "nature": "ALERTING",
  "options": {},
  "parts": 0,
  "status": "ERROR",
  "status_error": "(string)",
  "text": "(string)",
  "to": "(string)",
  "type": "OUT",
  "user_data": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
b_customer_debit string Amount debited
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
b_customer_mode string Billing mode
date_creation string Date of creation
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
date_received string Received date (if received)
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
date_sent string Sent date (if sent)
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
date_update string Date of last update (status update)
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
encoding string The encoding used to send the SMS
Values: "GSM", "UNICODE"
from string Sender
hash string SMS ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
nature string SMS Nature
options object SMS options
Object: SMS.Options
parts int Number of SMS parts billed. May be > 1 if your text is too long.
status string SMS status
status_error string Descriptive error if status is "ERROR"
text string SMS content
to string Recipient
type string SMS type
Values: "IN", "OUT"
user_data string Custom field set in $options
Format: cdr_customer_field (32 alphanumeric characters maximum)

See Also



The SMS.Options object defines the following properties.

  "flash_message": true,
  "force_encoding": "UNICODE",
  "nature": "ALERTING",
  "user_data": "(string)",
  "webhook": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
flash_message bool Send the SMS as a Flash Message (text will be shown on phone but not stored - not supported by all carriers and phone)
force_encoding string Force the encoding to be used. It is generally a good idea to force GSM because it is working everywhere on every carrier. Default is NULL (auto-detect).
Values: "GSM", "UNICODE"
nature string SMS Nature. Make sure to select the right nature, otherwise your account might be blocked.
user_data string Custom field sent back you
Format: cdr_customer_field (32 alphanumeric characters maximum)
webhook object Dynamic webhook for this SMS. Status updates will be set to this specific webhook (and also to your "" subscriptions). Replies to this SMS will also be sent to this specific webhook. You only need to set 'endpoint' and optionally 'options'.
Object: Webhook

See Also



Quote for a SMS

  "amount": "0.00",
  "count": 0,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "encoding": "UNICODE",
  "length": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
amount string The amount this SMS will cost
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
count int Number of SMS billed
currency string The currency of the cost. This is always the same, depending on your account.
Values: "EUR", "USD"
encoding string Charset that will be used
Values: "GSM", "UNICODE"
length int Text length (number of characters)

See Also



Search filters

  "created_at_from": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "created_at_to": "2024-04-24 00:42:42",
  "from": "+16469820800",
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "nature": "ALERTING",
  "status": "CREATED",
  "text": "(string)",
  "to": "+16469820800",
  "type": "OUT",
  "user_data": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
created_at_from string Retrieve from this date (max. NOW minus 6 months)
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
created_at_to string Retrieve until this date (inclusive)
Format: datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00")
from string Sender
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
hash string SMS Hash
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
nature string SMS nature
status string SMS status
text string SMS content
to string Recipient
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
type string SMS type
Values: "IN", "OUT"
user_data string Custom field
Format: cdr_customer_field (32 alphanumeric characters maximum)


Sub Account

  "account": {},
  "contact": {},
  "credentials": {},
  "params": {},
  "state": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
account object The Sub Account account informations
Object: SubAccount.Account
contact object The Sub Account contact informations
Object: SubAccount.Contact
credentials object The Sub Account credentials informations
Object: SubAccount.Credentials
params object The Sub Account params informations
Object: SubAccount.Params
state object The Sub Account state informations
Object: SubAccount.State

See Also



Sub Account Account

  "company": "(string)",
  "firstname": "(string)",
  "lastname": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
company string The account company
Format: field_name (Generic name field)
firstname string The account firstname
Format: field_name (Generic name field)
lastname string The account lastname
Format: field_name (Generic name field)

See Also



Sub Account Contact

  "addresses": [],
  "emails": [],
  "phones": [],
  "tech_emails": []
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
addresses array The contact addresses (min:0, max :1)
Array of objects: Address
emails array The contact emails (min:1, max :1)
Format: email (An email address)
phones array The contact phones (min:0, max :1)
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
tech_emails array The technical contact emails
Format: email (An email address)

See Also



Sub Account Creation Options

  "password": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
password object The password creation options
Object: SubAccount.CreateOptions.Password

See Also



Sub Account Creation Options Password

  "method": "MANUAL",
  "value": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
method string The password creation method
Values: "AUTO", "MANUAL"
value string The password value in MANUAL method
Format: subaccount_password_value (Sub Account password)

See Also



Sub Account Params Creation

  "billing": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
billing object The Sub Account billing params informations
Object: SubAccount.CreateParams.Billing

See Also



Sub Account Params Billing Creation

  "addresses": [],
  "emails": []
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
addresses array The billing addresses (min:0, max :1)
Array of objects: Address
emails array The billing emails (min:0)
Format: email (An email address)

See Also



Sub Account Creation Properties

  "account": {},
  "contact": {},
  "params": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
account object The Sub Account account informations
Object: SubAccount.Account
contact object The Sub Account contact informations
Object: SubAccount.Contact
params object The Sub Account params informations
Object: SubAccount.CreateParams

See Also



Sub Account Credentials

  "login": "(string)",
  "password": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
login string The login
password string The password (print only the first time)

See Also



Sub Account Edition Options


Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description

See Also



Sub Account Params Editable

  "billing": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
billing object The Sub Account billing params informations
Object: SubAccount.EditParams.Billing

See Also



Sub Account Params Billing Editable

  "addresses": [],
  "emails": []
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
addresses array The billing addresses (min:0, max :1)
Array of objects: Address
emails array The billing emails (min:0)
Format: email (An email address)

See Also



Sub Account Edition Properties

  "contact": {},
  "params": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
contact object The Sub Account contact informations
Object: SubAccount.Contact
params object The Sub Account params informations
Object: SubAccount.EditParams

See Also



Sub Account Params

  "billing": {},
  "default": {}
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
billing object The Sub Account billing params informations
Object: SubAccount.Params.Billing
default object The Sub Account default params informations
Object: SubAccount.Params.Default

See Also



Sub Account Params Billing

  "addresses": [],
  "currency_code": "USD",
  "emails": []
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
addresses array The billing addresses (min:0, max :1)
Array of objects: Address
currency_code string The billing currency
Values: "EUR", "USD"
emails array The billing emails (min:0)
Format: email (An email address)

See Also



Sub Account Params Default

  "locale": "(string)",
  "timezone": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
locale string The sub account locale
Format: locale (POSIX/IANA locale code. Example: "en_US" or "fr_FR".)
timezone string The sub account timezone
Format: timezone_str (IANA timezone name. Example: "Europe/Paris".)

See Also



Sub Account Quota

  "actual": 0,
  "max": 0
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
actual int The number of Sub Accounts used
max int The maximum number of Sub Accounts allowed

See Also



Sub Account Search filters

  "archived": true
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
archived bool FALSE: only not archived, TRUE: only archived, NULL: both (Default: FALSE)

See Also



Sub Account State

  "allow_calls_in": true,
  "allow_calls_out": true,
  "allow_sms_in": true,
  "allow_sms_out": true,
  "archived": true,
  "credit": "0.00",
  "disabled": true
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
allow_calls_in bool Are inbound calls allowed?
allow_calls_out bool Are outbound calls allowed?
allow_sms_in bool Are inbound SMS allowed?
allow_sms_out bool Are outbound SMS allowed?
archived bool The archived state
credit string The sub account credit
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
disabled bool The disabled state

See Also



Sub Account Tranfer Options


Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description

See Also



Target (Phone number + timeout)

  "number": "+16469820800",
  "timeout": 30
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
number string The phone number to dial
Format: phone_number (International E.164 format "+CCNSN". Example: "+16467890800", "+447890123456", or "+33678912345")
timeout int Ringing timeout in seconds. Must be between 5 and 300
Format: dial_timeout (Must be between 5 and 300 seconds)

See Also



Timezone object

  "country_codes": [],
  "dst": "(string)",
  "iana": "(string)",
  "iana_names": [],
  "id": 0,
  "label": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
country_codes array Countries in this timezone
Format: country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: "US")
dst string Indicate if the timezone is subject to Daylight Saving Time
iana string IANA timezone name
iana_names array IANA timezone aliases
id int Timezone ID
label string Timezone name

See Also



Webhook object

  "created_at": "2024-04-24 00:42:42.123",
  "endpoint": "(string)",
  "hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "options": {},
  "status": "ENABLED",
  "type": "(string)",
  "updated_at": "2024-04-24 00:42:42.123"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
created_at string Date of creation
Format: datetime_ms (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.sss in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00.123")
endpoint string Endpoint URL
Format: url (HTTP(S) URL)
hash string Unique ID
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
options object Options
Object: Webhook.Options
status string Status
type string Hook type
updated_at string Date of update
Format: datetime_ms (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.sss in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24 23:42:00.123")


Webhook event object

  "data": {},
  "event_at": "2024-04-24T00:42:42.123Z",
  "event_id": "(string)",
  "hook_hash": "UNIQUEID",
  "try": 0,
  "type": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
data object Webhook data
event_at string Event time
Format: datetime_ms_iso (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ in UTC timezone. Example: "2012-04-24T23:42:00.123Z" or "2012-04-24T23:42:00.123+00:00")
event_id string Unique event ID
hook_hash string Webhook ID. Can be NULL if dynamic Webhook.
Format: hash (Unique object identifier)
try int Push try number. Starts at 0. If push fails (you did not reply in time, or 200 < response code > 299), we try again and increment try.
type string Webhook type

See Also



Webhook Credit event

  "balance": "0.00",
  "currency_code": "(string)",
  "last_transaction_amount": "0.00",
  "shutdown_limit": "0.00",
  "warning_limit": "0.00"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
balance string Current balance
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
currency_code string Currency code of your account ("EUR", "USD", etc.)
last_transaction_amount string Amount of last transaction
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
shutdown_limit string Shutdown limit
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)
warning_limit string Warning limit
Format: amount (amount in cents with 2 decimals. Example : "1000.00" for 10 USD or EUR)


Webhook log search filters

  "endpoint": "(string)",
  "event_date": "(string)",
  "event_id": "(string)",
  "hook_hash": "(string)",
  "http_code": "(string)",
  "status": "(string)",
  "try": 0,
  "type": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
endpoint string Search by endpoint
event_date string Search by event date
event_id string Search by event id
hook_hash string Search by hook id
http_code string Search by http code
status string Search by status
try int Search by try number 0..9
type string Search by hook type


Webhook options

  "format": "(string)",
  "hmac_algo": "SHA512",
  "hmac_secret": "(string)"
Values are auto-generated and may not be correct. Sub-objects are not shown.


Property Type Description
format string Webhook format: "JSON" only for now.
hmac_algo string Algorithm used for HMAC signature
Values: "MD5", "SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA512"
hmac_secret string Secret used for HMAC signature. Length: 8..1024.